Just like every job is unique, so are the questions the interviewer will ask. However, there are a few that are almost always asked. It is a good idea to know how you plan on answering these questions before you sit down for your interview. At Referral Staffing Solutions, we want to give you a leg up on the competition and give you six questions you may be asked and how you should answer them.
1.Tell Me About Yourself
This can be a nerve-wracking question to try and answer. They are looking for who you are, why you have made the decisions you have made, and who you are outside of your work life. Tell them why you left your previous job, why you chose the college you attended. If you have been out of work for a while, let them know why and tell them what you learned from your time away from work. You are connecting to the interviewer and understanding why you are the best candidate for the job.
2.Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?
This is another way for you to show who you are, cover your professional and personal goals. They are looking to see if you are good at creating and making goals.
3.What Are Your Biggest Weaknesses?
This is where preparation will help you know one thing that you are currently working on to change in your life will show that you can see something you need to adjust and work on. And that you know how to put a plan in place to make your weaknesses your strengths.
4.What Are Your Biggest Strengths?
This is not where you want to be wishy-washy; you want to tell them exactly where your strengths are and how those strengths will help you do the job they want you to do. Be confident and sure of your answer.
5.How Would You Handle A Disagreement With a Coworker or Customer?
They know that workplaces can have tension and disagreements; they are looking to see how you handle those situations. If you are unsure, do some google research on managing workplace conflict and having those ideas ready when asking you this question.
6.What Questions Do You Have For Me?
This one can catch you off guard if you haven’t prepared. This is your opportunity to ask your future employer any question you have. Take some time to reflect on those questions so when they ask, you will be ready. Yes, you are interviewing for a job but are they a company you want to work for. Do their company values and mission statement align with yours? Will they be a good fit for you?