Taking time to prepare the question you ask future employees is essential. We recommend some basic questions, but asking some new ones will give you better insight into your candidate and if they would be a good fit for you.
1.What business would you love to start?
You want to hire employees that have hopes and dreams, that are forward thinkers. This allows you to see where their passions are and why they do what they do. It gives you a fantastic insight into your future employees and where their untapped strengths may be.
2.What do you feel I need to know that we haven't discussed?
Asking this question allows you to learn more about the employee and yourself. It will provide you with insight into what your candidates are thinking and where you can improve on your interviewing skills.
3.If you could get a do-over on one of my questions, how would you answer it now?
Who hasn't' thought, man, I wish I had said this instead of that? What an excellent opportunity for you to get to know how your candidate thinks on their feet. And if they can make fast changes when they need to.
4.What questions do you have for me?
Your future employee may have questions about your company, workplace environment, or pay. Asking this question gives them the opportunity to switch places with you and find out if your company is a good fit for them.
5.Why do you want this job?
Asking this question allows you to find out what they are looking for, do they want to grow with your company, or are they just looking for a little extra money.